Briganza's bday which the Principal really likes and at the end he gets everyone from the school to the abandoned building to PARTY! (Except Pappi.he wasn't allowed in poor Pappi) The boys look like they're about to face some serious trouble.but they easily get out by saying "Surprise?" and probably making it seem like they all set this up for Mrs. But soon the Principal and Pappi (who was the one who found out they skipped) come in, she quickly disappears. So she helps them out more, making a disco ball appear, a HUGE cake, etc. Next episode she had a bigger role, the episode was about her Birthday and the Principal held a "party" for her, as in gathering everyone for a talk.BORING! Even her ghost appeared bored of it, like "really this is how you're celebrating my birthday?" She then heads over to an abandoned building near the school, where behold the Golmaal boys skipped the ceremony and were having their own kind of party in there, she soon shows herself to the boys (who all of course FREAK OUT) but she calms them down, and seems to be very happy with them (guessing it is because they have helped saved the school from Vaasu) along with actually having a party. Well at night the guy comes back dressed as a ghost to scare the school, the Golmaal boys find out and decided to dress as HER and scare Vaasu instead, only thing is at the end Lucky didn't get a chance to scare Vaasu so that only means.her REAL GHOST was the one to do it, at the very end you see her disappear as the boys argue (covering her ears lol). He points to a picture of her in his office, now I don't know if she is the Principal's mother, or just the principal before him, maybe even the founder of the school, (or.maybe even his wife? Oh god.no please not that.). Briganza is her name, and she first appeared in Bhoot Ka Chakkar (Ghost Spin) where the boys over hear the Principal arguing with a man (Vaasu is his name) about the school, now this Vaasu guy has appeared in not 1 or 2 but 3 episodes and in all he is trying to get the school's property papers! I think it's more for money or maybe control, but the Principal is VERY clear he does not ever want to just hand over his school. She is the Ghost at Golden Hills HighSchool in Golmaal Jr.

I freaking LOVE HER!!!! Ah she seems like a cool character in the cartoon, even though she only appeared in 2 episodes.