Use FireShot to send screenshots via Gmail Fixed the bug in Chrome, when web pages did not capture entirely (no scrolling).

Added auto-scrolling for the area selection tool.FireShot for Desktop was made optional for the Firefox 64-bit users (you can enable it from the options).Improved handling of sticky elements, when captured.Added Windows XP and Vista support for Chrome users.Hyperlinks can be assigned for Headers and Footers in PDFs.Better support for captures in Adwords, Analytics, Ebay, and some other web pages.Fixed bug with the " Capture all tabs" feature.Improved "Save screenshot" page for the Lite version.Better handling of the fixed elements during the capture process.Added the %e wildcard to the filename template to include a domain name into the name of file.Doesn't require the permission to access anymore.Added Chech, Greek, Galician, Indonesian, Arabic, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, and Ukrainian languages.The Lite version has been officially tested and approved by Microsoft and is now available for instalation in Microsoft Store. We are proud to announce FireShot Lite for Microsoft Edge!